Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jeremiah Ben Joseph (Seraph - Oringinal)

Introducing Jeremiah:

Real Name: Jeremiah Ben Joseph (His Name means: God will Lift Up)
Aliases: "Seraph" (Original), "The Burning one",
Place of birth: Beer Sheva, Israel (1393 BC)
Occupation: Story Teller: He is a gifted story teller. Earned a living by writing childrens books.

Relatives: Unknown

Birth: Beer Sheva, Israel (1393 BC).
Background: He is basically a Nephelim "Fallen One" (Half Angel). His father was a Seraphim Angel that went before God's concil until the day that Melkart corupted his heart. He went from saying Holy, Holy, Holy - to saying I will raise myself in honor. When the war broke out in heaven he was cast to the earth. While some where imprisoned in Hell, some fell to the earth and started to cause havoc with the human race. He raped and killed all who he pleased and his heart burnt up inside of him until nothing was left by a flame of Hate. The Original Nephilim were destroyed in the Flood of Genesis 6, but a small remnant was born after the flood. The Nephilim are imortal but can be destroyed if done right. (Still developing this) The Seraph Angel ends up raping the mother of Jeremiah, which he is a result of. Fearing for the life of the woman and for the greater call of the child - "The Great Angel" THE LORD's warrior intervenes and portects the mother. A great battle occured where Michael "The Great Angel" wins. He takes the mother to a warm hearted man named Joseph Ben Simeon and commissions him to care for her and the child to come. He raised the child with a heart on God's Law and the child grew to love God. It wasn't until later in life that he found out that he was half human and half Angel. This causes great stress on him because he knows that there is no redemption for him being part angel. Then one night his powers manifested, and he almost kills the one he loves. That night THE LORD comes to him and gives him a prophesy that will some day give him mortality and the redemption that he longs for. He is the only Nephilim that God commissions to eliminate the others to bring peace on earth from the war that occured long ago. He becomes God's judge against the Nephilim.

Power: He has a blue flame that encases him. As he gets more powerful the whiter the flame becomes. At his fullest strength he is as bright as the sun. Seraph has learned to control the heat to only be where he wants it to be. Someone could be standing next to him and still not feel the heat or be incinerated. He masters the control of heat waves so that he can make objects lighter or heavier with the right concentration; this also makes it possible for him to fly. In flight he forms what looks like six wings - like the Seraphim in the Bible - Two covering his eyes, two on his back, and two covering his feet. He also has what is called a "ghosting effect." He can literally have things pass through him or can pass through objects. To do it is mostly instinctual, but with concentration can control it. The Ghosting effect is usually for his protection, however, it does weaken him when he uses it. He has 3 forms of attacks: (1) beam form, and this is when he is in full power, (2) Fire/heat - like a flire thrower - is a reflection of how strong he is at the time [the stronger he is the more like a beam it is], (3) Orb form, this is what looks like a glowing crystal ball that works similar to a grenade.
Greatest Strength: His greatest power is his knowledge of the past and how the world works and his love for people in general.

Weaknesses: Anger is his weakness. The angrier he gets the more careless he gets and it cost the life of his greatest love. He endures this memory for thousands of years and bears the burden of knowing that she is seperated from him in death - something that he has not been able to attain. After a Nephilim almost killed him, fear set in him and he worried about if he died then he would never attain his redemption and would be trapped in hell. He has not been doing his job for over 500 years because of this fear. Some of it is lack of faith in the prophecy because it has been so long since he was commissioned to do it. Everett restores his faith in his mission and then realizes this is the very child of promise.

This is a good start and we can adjust from here!

Monday, July 28, 2008

That Terrible Night (Tex's Perspective)

I Decided to post something I wrote as a excerpt from my story. Enjoy, for the meantime and I will try to post more things more regularly. I think I will do this instead of trying to make bios that I cannot finish yet. They just are developed enough yet.

That Terrible Night (Tex tells of Jack's death "Everett's Dad")
I remember the night that Tex told me how my father died. He leaned back in his leather chair and got very quite as he reflected on that tragic night. I could hear the wrinkle of the chair as his jeans rubbed against it and he sunk softly back into it. His words came out slowly and then he choked back some tears. Speaking softly and with a quiver in voice, a tear rushed down his rugged face. He was so strong and fierce when he is out on the range. His hands were like leather from the hard work with the cattle. I never would have thought that just a memory would bring a mountain of a man down to the meekness of a mouse. He looked intently into my eyes and began:

“It was a cool breezy night with a light mist floating in the air. The stars shown bright making a light glow on the horizon. I was standing by the upstairs window overlooking the fields that I had been working so hard on that day. The cattle were out to pasture and the wheat was ready to be harvested. My wife Maggie snuck up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist then to my chest and pulled me close. It was the first chance all day for us to be alone. Our daughter Miracle was only two months old and Maggie had finally been able to put her to bed. The baby had been restless all day and it was the first time she had the chance to relax and she chose to take that time to spend with me. Her hand ran down the side of my shoulder to my hand as she guided me back to the bedroom to rest for the new day. We were both exhausted. I kissed her lightly on the forehead, as was my custom every night. It was my way of saying that ‘I love you’ and everything will be all right for the new day.”
He stopped and took a deep breath, trying to catch his composure once more. He almost lost it again in a borage of tears. Then he continued:

“A large crash woke me. Flames were starting to fill the house. I began to choke from the smoke in the room. My lungs felt like they were on fire. Maggie was coughing and on the floor. The only thing she could say is “Get my baby!” and she could barely say that. The smoke had filled her lungs so much that she couldn’t get up. I had to get my daughter and my wife out of the house. That is when I saw flashing red lights outside. The fire trucks had already arrived. The firefighters were unaware of the people inside at first. That is when I heard another crash and your father appeared before me. Almost like an angel he was just there all the sudden. He saw Maggie on the floor and the crib next to the bed and grabbed the baby with those clunky yellow gloves. Jack new that I didn’t have the strength to get the baby out of the house and helped me to the window. He had already gotten Maggie to the window and the other firefighters pulled her to safety. His focus was on me and the baby and he knew I was too dazed to know what was going on. He guided me to the window with my arm and most of my weight resting in his shoulders. My life and that of my daughter were now in his hands. I felt the heat of the flames and my body blistering from the intense heat. Next thing in know I was being pulled though the window by two other men. There voices were muffled with the clear plastic covering their faces. All I saw were yellow blurs of people all around me as ‘My little Miracle’ was shoved into my arms. I was in the clear of the night now and was gradually coming to my senses again. The smoke wasn’t irritating my eyes anymore and I was regaining my strength. I could see now and I was at the top of a ladder with another fireman trying to get me to go down it to safety. That is when I looked around and saw your father in my window. Then with a great crash, he disappeared from my sight. I got to the bottom of the ladder and handed my baby to someone then blacked out.”

He stopped for a moment and explained to me how my dad was a hero. Not the kind that I fantasized about in comic books. He was the real kind or a hero, the kind of man that greatness inspired to be. His love for my mom was next to none and their love for one another was like a fairy tale. He was a man that only a few great men could even come close to. He said, “It doesn’t take a power, or great wealth to become a hero. What it takes is courage, love, faith, strength, and endurance. These qualities are the qualities of great people throughout history. These are the people that you should aspire to be like.” I answered him, “You mean like mom?” and he replied, “Exactly like your mom!”

He continued with the story:

“When I awoke from the hospital the first thing I asked was how Maggie and Miracle were doing. They said, ‘Miracle had gotten some light burns and some smoke in her lungs, but she will recover just fine. Your baby truly is a miracle.’ Then they stopped and paused for a moment and that is when they told me Maggie had passed away. She didn’t have the lung capacity to take that much smoke into them. I was lucky that I didn’t get as much smoke in my lungs. It was her panicking and her fear for our child that caused her to breathe in more heavily. I was in too much of a daze to panic and that is what saved me. After the news, I wanted to crawl away and die. My heart felt like it was going to explode. My lungs couldn’t hold in my breath and I broke down and cried.”

He stopped at this point and gave me some advice. He said, “When I am in danger, sometimes the best thing I can do is keep a level head and not panic. When we are filled with fear and panic our battle is lost.” Every story he told me seamed to have some sort of stem line to courage, and now I understood why. He lost something very dear to him because of fear and he didn’t want me to have to go through the same thing.

As for my father, Tex found out later that the floor had collapsed below him taking his life. Tex knew my parents before the tragic events because my parents went to his church. They were best friends. Each couple had a young child and they would tease each other that we would grow up and get married someday. But it was these tragic events that brought my mom and Tex close together. They had both lost the one they loved and understood how each other felt. Eventually Tex grew to love my mom but didn’t pursue it because of the guilt of her losing Jack to save his family. He felt that it would be a dishonor to his friend; secretly they have loved one another for many years with no word about it to each another. The man that taught me courage was the same man that had to deal with fears of his own. Some day I hope he realizes his fear and conquers his battle. To honor is one thing but to love and not do anything about it is still yet another another.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Everett Garrett Weise (Seraph)

Introducing Everett: (Seraph) - This bio is just the beginning to flesh out the Characters of the comic. We will change it as I develop who he is. Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas that I might need to think about. Everett is the main Character! As the book progresses he is shown mostly in his childhood years and deals with his growing up and him coping with the hardships of life while controlling his power. He is the current superhero "Seraph" the Hebrew word means burn and is the short form for "Seraphim" which is the plural form.

Real Name: Everett Garrett Weise
Aliases: "Seraph", "The Burning one",
Place of birth: Friendswood, Texas
Occupation: As a child - Student
Occupation: As an Adult - Archeology
School: ?
Relatives: Jack Everett Weise, (Father - deceased), Miriam Marie Weise (Mother), James Garrett Weise Sr. (Grandpa Jim), Ruth Weise, (Grandma Ruth - Deceased), James Garrett Weise Jr. (Uncle),

Birth: Friendswood, Texas on August 9th 1976 to Jack Everett Weise and Miriam Marie (Wortham)Weise.
Meeting Jeremiah: As a young child Everett would go and visit his ailing Grandmother who was dying of Alzheimer’s disease. She could no longer remember Everett and was getting to the point that she was swearing allot. Everett never knew her like this and she didn't know what to do. This caused his parents to limit the time he was in the room with her. Everett just couldn't understand why Grandma Ruth was this way, it wasn't but a couple of years before that she would hold him in her arms and tell him stories and laugh and play. As Everett was out in the hallway one day talking to Dr. Horn he was recalling how his grandma used to be. With a grin on Dr. Horn's face, he told the boy that, "everything happens for a reason," and to just remember her before she got sick. Dr. Horn was a great friend of the Weise's and he had been their doctor for many years. So he told Everett's parents that he was going to introduce Everett to a dear friend a couple of doors down from Grandma Ruth. His name was Jeremiah Ben Joseph. Everett learned that Jeremiah had wonderful stories, just like his Grandma. Reluctantly, at first, Miriam let him sit in with Jeremiah, while his parents would care for Grandma Ruth. She found Jeremiah to be a pleasant man and decided that it wasn't such a bad thing to let Everett stay and talk to him. Everytime they would go to see Grandma Ruth, Everett would sit and listen to stories from Jeremiah.
The Gift: Jeremiah would tell stories of ancient people, and ancient struggles like no other person in the world. This inspired Everett to eventually pursue the field of Archeology. Jeremiah would tell him of prophesies foretold, and biblical knowlegde that had a certain flare to them. Eventually Jeremiah realized that Everett was the boy of Prophesy, the child who he was to give his great power to. Jeremiah handed Everett his most loved possession a Necklace that him mother gave him. It was a very old necklace. The power was in that gift that he passed on to Everett. Then with his last story and then he passed away; softly fading away. Everett saw a peace to Jeremiah as if he had gone home, and knew that he was in a happier place. The power wasn't in the necklace, it was in the gift and someday Everett's most prized possession would pass it onto the next.

Power: He has a blue flame that encases him. As he gets more powerful the whiter the flame becomes. At his fullest strength he is as bright as the sun. Seraph has learned to control the heat to only be where he wants it to be. Someone could be standing next to him and still not feel the heat or be incinerated. He masters the control of heat waves so that he can make objects lighter or heavier with the right concentration; this also makes it possible for him to fly. In flight he forms what looks like six wings - like the Seraphim in the Bible - Two covering his eyes, two on his back, and two covering his feet. He also has what is called a "ghosting effect." He can literally have things pass through him or can pass through objects. To do it is mostly instinctual, but with concentration can control it. The Ghosting effect is usually for his protection, however, it does weaken him when he uses it.
Greatest Strength: Comes from what he has learned from others. Wisdom from Grandpa Jim, Strength and long suffering from his mother, Courage and Love from Tex, Faith from Pastor John, Sacrifice from his Father. Knowing that he is not alone and that they sculpted him to be the man he is gives him his greatest power. Through knowing he cannot do it alone in his humility is his power source.

Weaknesses: Pride comes before the fall! It is when we "well up" in ourselves and believe that what we accomplish was by our own strength that hurts us the most. If he has too much confidence in what he can do, then he is his weakest. The more prideful he becomes the weaker and more vulnerable he is. He is also afraid of fire, because it took his fathers life and he is afraid that he will take someone else’s if used incorrectly. The Ghosting effect weakens him, and the heat waves only soften the blows.

This is a good start and we can adjust from here!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Character Bios

I have been thinking about what should be included on the Character Bios. I am sure that some of the imporant factors like:

Marital Status:
Powers (if any):
Basic Description:

Can you think of other things that Might need to be included? I looked on and was looking at how they have some of the characters set up and I think that it was somewhat informative. It is too bad that I cannot find that "Who Wants to be a Superhero" form because it was set up really well for the character development. I thought I had saved it on my computer so that I could use it as a reference, but somehow I cannot find it. It is too bad that it is looking like they are not going to do another season of it. I think that at first that it was a novelty, but the season two - just wasn't as interesting. So any feedback on what I should include in the bios would be helpful.